Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA and ECDSA) =========================================== DSA and ECDSA are U.S. federal standards for digital signatures, specified in `FIPS PUB 186-4`__. Their security relies on the discrete logarithm problem in a prime finite field (the original DSA, now deprecated) or in an elliptic curve field (ECDSA, faster and with smaller keys, to be used in new applications). A sender can use a *private* key (loaded from a file) to sign a message:: >>> from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 >>> from Crypto.PublicKey import ECC >>> from Crypto.Signature import DSS >>> >>> message = b'I give my permission to order #4355' >>> key = ECC.import_key(open('privkey.der').read()) >>> h = >>> signer =, 'fips-186-3') >>> signature = signer.sign(h) The receiver can use the matching *public* key to verify authenticity of the received message:: >>> from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 >>> from Crypto.PublicKey import ECC >>> from Crypto.Signature import DSS >>> >>> key = ECC.import_key(open('pubkey.der').read()) >>> h = >>> verifier =, 'fips-186-3') >>> try: >>> verifier.verify(h, signature) >>> print("The message is authentic.") >>> except ValueError: >>> print("The message is not authentic.") .. __: .. automodule:: Crypto.Signature.DSS :members: